We help employers get their Sponsor Licence to employ skilled workers from overseas.

Free case evaluation

All new clients receive a free case evaluation with our team to help them understand their legal issues and to determine whether we are right for each other.

Case consultation

During the consultation the client and lawyer develop a roadmap for the success resolution of the case.

Case management

The client case is handLed with an extreme focus on the client’s needs and how to most effectively and efficiently meet those needs and goals for the case.

Do I Need a Sponsor Licence?

A sponsor licence is a legal necessity as a UK business if you want to recruit skilled labour from outside the UK under skilled worker route. Hiring even a single employee from one of these countries without a right to work can result in a huge fine and even a prison sentence.

Having a sponsor licence opens up the doors to your business, allowing you to attract top talent, launch innovative projects, and grow your business.

What we are really good at

How we stand out







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