Privacy Policy

Our Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how we, Sponsor Licence Advice Bureau collect, store and use information about you when you use or interact with our website, (our website) and where we otherwise obtain or collect information about you. This Privacy Policy is effective from 24/05/2018.


  • Summary
  • Our details
  • Information we collect when you visit our website
  • Information we collect when you contact us
  • Information we collect when you interact with our website
  • Information we collect when you place an order on our website
  • Our use of automated decision-making and profiling
  • How we collect or obtain information about you from third parties
  • Disclosure and additional uses of your information
  • How long we retain your information
  • How we secure your information
  • Transfers of your information outside the European Economic Area
  • Your rights in relation to your information
  • Your right to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes
  • Sensitive Personal Information
  • Changes to our Privacy Policy
  • Children’s Privacy
  • California Do Not Track Disclosures
  • Copyright, credit and logo
  • Summary

    This section summarises how we obtain, store and use information about you. It is intended to provide a very general overview only. It is not complete in and of itself and it must be read in conjunction with the corresponding full sections of this Privacy Policy.

    Data controller: We Manage Your Visas

    How we collect or obtain information about you:

    • when you provide it to (e.g. by contacting us, filling up forms, requesting one of our service brochure and/or ebook and by signing up to your e-newsletter),
    • from your use of our website, using cookies and similar technologies, and
    • occasionally from third parties.

    Information we collect: name, contact details, payment information e.g. your credit or debit card details, IP address, information from cookies, information about your computer or device (e.g. device and browser type), information about how you use our website (e.g. which pages you have viewed, the time when you view them and what you clicked on, the geographical location from which you accessed our website (based on your IP address), company name or business name (if applicable), VAT number (if applicable).

    How we use your information: for administrative and business purposes (particularly to contact you and process your purchase you place on our website), to improve our business and website, to fulfil our contractual obligations, to advertise our goods and services, to analyse your use of our website, and in connection with our legal rights and obligations.

    Disclosure of your information to third parties: only to the extent necessary to run our business, to our service providers, to fulfil any contracts we enter into with you, where required by law or to enforce our legal rights.

    Do we sell your information to third parties (other than in the course of a business sale or purchase or similar event): No

    How long we retain your information: for no longer than necessary, taking into account any legal obligations we have (e.g. to maintain records for tax purposes), any other legal basis we have for using your information (e.g. your consent, performance of a contract with you or our legitimate interests as a business) and certain additional factors described in the main section below entitled How long we retain your information. For specific retention periods in relation to certain information which we collect from you, please see the main section below entitled How long we retain your information.

    How we secure your information: using appropriate technical and organisational measures such as storing your information on secure servers, encrypting transfers of data to or from our servers using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, encrypting payments you make on or via our website using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, only granting access to your information where necessary.

    Use of cookies and similar technologies: We use cookies and similar information-gathering technologies such as web beacons on our website including essential, functional, analytical and targeting cookies. For more information, please visit our cookies policy here:

    Transfers of your information outside the European Economic Area: In certain circumstances we transfer your information outside of the European Economic Area. Where we do so, we will ensure appropriate safeguards are in place, e.g the third parties we use who transfer your information outside the European Economic Area have self-certified themselves as compliant with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

    Use of automated decision making and profiling: we use automated decision making and/or profiling for the use of web analytics, cookies, web beacons or server logs analysis tools (profiling) or use targeting cookies to display advertisements to your people who visit our website on other websites around the internet (e.g. using the Google AdSense network) (automated decision making).

    Your rights in relation to your information

    • to access your information and to receive information about its use
    • to have your information corrected and/or completed
    • to have your information deleted
    • to restrict the use of your information
    • to receive your information in a portable format
    • to object to the use of your information
    • to withdraw your consent to the use of your information
    • not to have significant decisions made about you based solely on automated processing of your information, including profiling
    • to complain to a supervisory authority

    Sensitive personal information: we do not knowingly or intentionally collect what is commonly referred to as ‘sensitive personal information’. Please do not submit sensitive personal information about you to us. For more information, please see the main section below entitled Sensitive Personal Information.